This is the Steampunker Pirate! He doesn't really look like a pirate that much but look up "Steampunk Pirate" on google, This is what I made it look like! This skin came to my mind when the contest came out and I just had to make it!
Remember this is a 1.8 skin, So it's got layers! (It works in MC 1.7.6 and above for layers)
And I hope you really like this skin and all it's glory because it's for the "Life on the high Seas Skin Contest"
And also it's my first skin I've put into a contest! *Yey*
Here is His Story! (From his Diary/Perspective His Name Is Jonathan)
Day 1:
Hello And I am Jonathan BronzeSpear, And This is my diary. Life is pretty fine and dandy on the High tech Ships, Or you can call them AirShips, I don't really care. But I can't Believe it, I got accepted into the Steampunk Pirates Acadamy! Woo!
This will be fun!
Day 2:
It's pretty hard and also fun learning about working the pipes and building everything you need for a airship in this place, It's not that easy building the stuff because sometimes they make you figure it out yourself! I just hope I won't have to flunk out or get kicked out of The Steampunk Pirates Acadamy! That would suck!
Day 3:
Okay I've earned My uniform for building a working engine for a smaller AirShip! This uniform is freaking awesome! It has a These awesome gloves, These Skull Caps on my shoulder caps of my jacket, and I get these cool boots also!
Day 4:
I had to build another engine that was bigger today in front of the acadamy! It was scary as heck! I almost failed Also, But I got it working right! They say tommorow were gonna go out to the seas and practice using the cannons and shooting targets!
After that day they say we might even practice raiding ships!
Day 5:
Woo! We actually got to Shoot cannons and practice shooting targets, They didn't lie! The cannons are pretty powerfull though, I was holding my hand on the cannon then it fired, and I fell onto the floor!
That was a really fun day!
Day 6:
We practiced Raiding a fake Enemy Ship today! There was even enemy robots with some Weapons, We had protective paddding though,
We got $500 dollars from raiding that ship!
Day 11:
Sorry I haven't been righting in my Diary for a few days, We were training non-stop, Welp Were going out to
The seas tommorow Morning! I'm bringing my diary with me!
Day 12:
We'll were on the seas, Nothing fun really happening but we did have a gas break, but we fixed that, so That was all done, but we killed some fish and had Fish and crab for dinner.
Day 13:
Okay we found our first ship and one of our crew members got stabbed, and we got most of the money, but then some guy on our ship fired the cannons and blew up the enemy ship so we had to get back really fast. Also we threw that guy over board! And I hope we something more exciting like a Agrothan AirShip! That fight will be exciting!
Day 14:
Well, Our captain got drunk and He murdered one of our crew members in sleep so We sadly had to Exacute him. But atleast Now I'm the captain! Yay, I get to steer the ship and everything, Now there's some excitement! ^-^
Day 15:
We traded with some Mungorthan today and they gave us some more weapons and food! Now were getting ready for a battle! We Also Stayed the night at Mungorthan for a night, Because We needed shower and everything
Day 16:
Well We found A bunch of pirate ships and looks like there coming at us, But it doesn't look that pleasant, We may not win this one, they'll probably get to us by tommorow morning.
Day 17:
Okay I was wrong I went to sleep and One of they're crew members Jumped through the window and stabbed me, So I'm bleeding out, Were also being attacked right now, This may be the last of t- AH, Sorry, It's really hurts, and This may be the last Time.
Day 18:
We haஃve failed This the ship is sinஃking and I'm almost lost all of my blood, Pleaஃse, If you have found this diaஃry, Do soஃmething about it, and keep it only with you, Thiஃs shall never Be told, ஃThis Diary shall be lost, Captain Jonathan Signing out.... ஃ
Please Read the Diary Above by clicking on it, I know it's long but It tells alot of stuff about Jonathan. please read it!