Description from original post
(created 2014-05-05 12:54):
This Skin is for the "Underground Creatures Skin Contest"
Name: Corrupt Falmer
Species: Degenerate Offspring of Snow Elves
Location: Deep Underground Ruins & Reaches
Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
"The Falmer are twisted, evil creatures that dwell in the deepest reaches. They have but one desire - to destroy the surface world, and any who dwell above."
The Falmer are the degenerate offspring of an endangered species of elves, Snow Elves, who dwell in the ancient Dwemer ruins hewn from expansive subterranean caverns. Although blind, their senses of hearing, smell and touch are attuned far beyond those of most other races.
The Falmer were not always the hideous, pale-skinned demons that reside in ancient ruins. They were once members of an even more ancient and powerful race known as the Snow Elves, beings of grace with wisdom beyond that of even the High and Wood Elves that now perforate The various woodlands.
The Falmer have a distinctly otherworldly appearance. Their infrequent exposure to sunlight has left their skin a pale shade of gray, like that of the rocks in the caverns where they live. Therefore, they burn easily and emerge only at night. Also, their hides are wrinkled and scarred. Due to the effects of the fungus their ancestors were forced to eat and natural selection, they are nearly eyeless and totally blind. The generally poor quality of the food available has left them thin almost to the point of emaciation.
Picture For Reference: This is what I based the skin off of.
Skin Info:
- Really Pale, Grayish skin
- Faded Pink/Salmon colored eye sockets (they don't have eyes)
- Grayish/White mouth and teeth
- Deep bags around the eye sockets
- A Torn(sorta) Brown waist-cloak
- Special Falmer only armor
- Spiked Falmer wrist guards
- Plated Falmer knee guards
- Torn & Broken Falmer chest guard
- Worn down Falmer shoulder guards
- No boots or shoes, just their feet
- Deformed Elf ears (They used to be elves)
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It is much appreciated.