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(created 2014-06-18 19:35):
βorn in the mighty city-state of Demacia, Nemain was renowned for her natural magical abilities in healing and manipulation. She opened a small shop where she used her powers to mend wounds of soldiers defending their city.
Her skills eventually led her to become an apprentice in the local mages college where she studied and further experimented with her powers, proving himself a quick learner and excellent scholar. She rose higher in the ranks until she took over the college itself and assumed the title Archmage, where for a majority of her time she taught the young, eager mages everything she knew while still honing her own skills.
Damacia's connections to the League ultimately led Nemain there, where she hoped she could give her support to fellow champions and hold them up during battle, feeling Damacia was slightly restrictive in her experimentation in her magic.
Despondent and unwilling to restrain herself further after a decade of research, but knowing that she could not win the confrontation that would result if she were to use her power, Nemain chose to leave Runeterra behind her. With renewed determination, she set about gathering the additional power she would need. Retracing her steps through Runeterra, she drew upon the magic that saturated the world. As the power she sought to hold in her mortal body grew, that body began to fail. By the time she had finished her travels, returning to Mogron Pass from the Southern Lands, it took every iota of her will to hold her body together. Her will failing, Nemain looked up to her destination in the night sky above her: she was headed to the stars. Channeling the power she held, Nemain propelled herself from the ground and out into the aether between worlds. With the last of her will, she blended her essence with that of the world below her. And as her will failed, the power she had become exploded from her broken body.
That was not the end for Nemain, however. The explosion fused her with the aether, and granted her a moment of insight: she was now essentially a being of sentient energy and every time she expended her power, she would be expending part of herself. In order to prevent the kind of fallout that had shattered Runeterra, Nemain would only need to draw that which she had expended back to her core self. She had become, rather than found, the magic she sought. Now all she needed was a physical form to return to the world with, so that she might give purpose to her existence. And so she forged a body for herself from the finest materials to be found throughout the cosmos, with the stars as her forges. With that done, she returned to Runeterra.
Her transformation had not gone unnoticed. The High Council of Equity had been aware of Nemain's quest; and while they had been convinced that she would fail, they had used their magics to, infrequently, observe her. So when Nemain underwent her explosive transformation, the councilors had been watching, and had sensed through their divinations her continued existence. From then on, they kept a watchful eye upon her. And when, new body complete, she had turned toward home the councilors were faced with a choice: would they risk her spreading the knowledge she had gleaned, potentially ending the need for the League and costing them everything; or would they instead ensure her silence? The answer was obvious. And so, when next she set foot upon Runeterra, a trap was waiting for her. The magics deployed by the councilors had not been seen since the Rune Wars, and Nemain was saved from death only by the body she had made for herself. Unconscious, but "alive", Nemain lay before the councilors. Rather than risk exposure through further attempts at destruction, they cast a spell that would prevent her from waking and brought her in secret to the Institute of War. There they hid her away, praying for time to find a solution to their problem. What they finally decided on was more far more abhorrent than simply killing Nemain: they would alter her memories, and attach to her body chains of magic to limit her power. And how better to keep an eye on her than to introduce her as a new champion of the Realm