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(created 2014-06-29 01:56):
We will tell you the legend of Azura, Guardian of the Sky.
It began long ago, in one of the three Cloud Kingdoms. The cloud Kingdoms are Kingdoms high above cloud level. These kingdoms are Thurstan,Mirauder, and Aeramond. Azura was born in Aeramond, the kingdom considered the weakest of the three. Azura grew up training to be the strongest warrior in all of the kingdoms.But unfortunately,Azura did not grow up being loved. She had no friends, her family prefered her sister over her, and she was bullied. The king of her kingdom was also cruel, greedy, and corrupt to his people, and he only cared about greed and power. His kingdom soon went into poverty.All these things affected Azura. When Azura was almost a young adult, she was cruel, cold-hearted, and hateful. But she was the stongest warrior in her kingdom.
But one day, all that changed for her. On that day, a stranger smiled at her. No one had ever smiled at her from what she could remember. She was estastic. She changed her goals almost immediately as soon as she got home. Her goals now changed from being the strongest warrior in the kingdoms to bringing justice to her kingdom.First, she helped the poor and gave them any money she could. Then, she helped stop conflicts in many families and friends. She helped bring peace to many lands. The king finally saw what she did, and planned to arrest her. He predicted that the people would soon rise up in rebellion against him, and he still wanted his power. Before the people got a chance to rebell he arrested Azura and charged her with treason. There was an unfair trial, and she was sentenced to die. How? By throwing her of the cloud kingdoms. The people tried to stop the king and his guard, but it was too late. She was falling fast now, and nothing could save her. Could anything?
A mysterious stranger apeared and caught Azura before she fell in and bellow the clouds. He had neon green wings, gloves, boots, and goggles. He has dark brown hair and neon green eyes. He is wearing a light gray jacket, a black shirt, and neon green pants. As he brings Azura up to the people, he tells her his name: Aero. (Aero is a story for another time, maybe) When they get back up to the Cloud Kingdom, the people decrown the king (is that a word?) and crown Azura. Azura has ruled for some time now, and keeps justice and order in her Kingdom. She will always be remembered by all the Kingdoms as the Guardian of the Sky, for when she guarded the peace of the sky kingdoms in a corrupted world.
That's the story. Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd the moral of the story is:
"One smile can be the joy of five years, even in the saddest hearts." ~Gwender
"If you do something good, it will inspire another to endeavor something even better." ~Gweapon00
(Idk if these are real quotes or not, but I guess now they are.Actually I looked them up, and nothing came up, so I guess these are quotes that I said now.)