Description from original post
(created 2014-05-03 23:23):
This was the first skin for the contest, but then I changed it to a Magma Soul, and got 46th, probably because I didn't get to write a story in time. I then changed it back to Bob the mole, and during the process the other skin was lost.
Ah, it was just an average day for Bob the mole, flowers blooming with breath-taking colors, bees, faintly buzzing under the sound of the huge lawn mower cutting the tall, bright green grass. Bob was not awake for these wonderful sights of summer- he was busy sleeping the day away, for what need does a Fossorial organism like Bob stay awake and above ground during the day? Hours past until the daylight came to a closing, a signal for the velvet coated creature to wake up. Today was not a day to breach the above air, as he was going to stay under the grass and soil today. After he awakened, he could faintly see some of the rich soil in his tunnel falling from the ceiling, and a long, pink, slimey creature dropped unto the ground. This did not alarm the mole as this was his first catch of the night- a delicious worm. He slowly crawled over to the creature, each step making an imprint into the soft ground. He then bit the worm, slowly injecting it with its toxin filled saliva. Into the larder the dying worm went, as Bob was going to save it for a meal at a later time that night.
"Ah, I'm running low on food supplies," the small mammal muttered to itself as he shook his small head. "I better tunnel out a bit more- that'll help solve my problem!" Bob then crawled down his dark, damp, smelly tunnel he called home sweet home, took a left, and hit a deadend. This was not a stop for him, as this was the construction site of his expansion. The mole took a deep breath, and started his exhausting digging procedure. As he dug and dug, he came across more slimey worms and other edible creatures, such as grubs. The small creature, massive to these puny insects repeated the same steps as he did with the worm earlier that night- approach, bite, and drag to the larder. This went on for about 5 and a half hours, repeated about 26 times. It was all normal until he hit some unusually moist soil.
"Hmm... may there be a puddle above?" he thought to himself as he was slowly digging. Sadly little did Bob know, there was a large pipe leading from a factory to a small lake only a couple feet ahead. He kept digging and digging, until finally the last thing he saw before the radioactive waste wave hit him- was the pipe with a small hole in it, about 5 by 4 centimeters. The poor innocent mole was then washed down the newly made tunnel about 2 meters, until he came to a stop. Bob got up, panicked, and started very quickly digging up towards the fresh, open air, perhaps to wash himself off of the bright green slime. Once he reached the grass and night sky, he felt his poor little muscles aching and tingling, a side effect of the radioactive goo. "Why me?!" he shouted to the pitch black sky, hoping for an answer. He then started sprinting around as fast as his little legs could take him, screaming at the top of his lungs. Shortly after, he fell into some brush, never to be seen again.
Although the next day the city and all underground civilization were over taken by a massive mutant mole, but that obviously hasn't a thing to do with this.
Okay, so this is my contest entry. If you haven't read the massive story I wrote in like half an hour, it's just about an average mole that is digging underground, hits a pipe with a leak in it, and gets covered in radioactive waste.
[Alrighty, so I have updated the entire skin, the old skin can be found down below]
This is a 'Magma Soul', they can only be located in the deep, deep depths of magma pools underground. No one knows the exact cause of their existence, but one thing is clear, that you should not approach one.
I will continue with the story above, but for now that's the explaination for the new skin.
I don't say stuff like this ever, but if you like this skin and want to help it manage to get into the finals, leaving a diamond would really help, I appreciate it