Description from original post
(created 2014-03-21 00:51):
Captain Okum
Captain Okum is a feared pirate throughout the 16-bit lands but,
not as dangerous as Pixlebeard.
Captain Okum is son of Merek Okum, who was a fisherman from YorkenShire.
One day Merek's boat got hijacked by Pirates, and they saw the strength in him,
and offered him to join thier crew, he accepted the offer as he always wanted
to sail seas without anyone tellling him what to do. He met a woman in the crew,
and they got married. She got pregnant on sea, and Terrowin Okum was born a pirate.
As he grew up, he became well known for his swordfighting skills. When he was an adult
the Captain of the crew died from scurvy, and he took over the crew.
When Pixlebeard finds a ship with a crew, he forces all of them to walk the plank
young, old,weak, or strong, he does not care.
Captain Okum on the other hand, will spare the young, and take the strong into his own crew.
Captain Okum would rather have a barrel of rum, than a chest of gold.
Captain Okum's dream was to meet Pixlebeard but sadly, Pixlebeard passed away before he had the chance..