"cmon!"! moaned a young boy " I wanna play!" "shhh" silenced grand-father Galena " as I was saying your history is amazing, the caves and homes we live in are safe and keep you secure from the danger above ground where monsters lurk and shiny things cascade the top level off bedrock! there trying to get in and destroy us!'' the mans words blured out after that, the young boy was to busy gazing at some off his freiends playing around the creek or the water supply. "ok!" said grandfather Galena "what do we do at the end off a lesson"? "depper you are the safer you are" moaned the young boy. "lessons over," the young boy raced out to play with his friends "hey" said one boy "sup" said another "meh nothing" said the young boy "lets play wrestling!" said the other boy with joy "now boys'' said a lady with a bucket of water "dont drink the water, we have to filter it first" "yes mrs parchment" synced the boys. mrs parchment went back to the villaged with the bucket in her hand "bahaha" said the young boys with an evil grin on there face, "I dare you too drink the water!" "no" said the young boy shyly "do it do it do it" chanted both off the boys.the young boy scooped up some water with his hand and saw them steaming maybe even burning he pressed the water to his lips and started to feel hot...
to be continued