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(created 2014-07-13 15:59):
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5 years after the defeat of Piccolo Daimao at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, and after marrying Chichi, Son Goku introduces his then 4-year old son, Son Gohan to his friends on Muten Roshi's island. Little did they know that it is there that everything they ever knew about Goku would be changed, thanks to his brother Raditz, and that events would culminate with Piccolo kidnapping Gohan after Goku dies saving Gohan's life from his uncle.
After surviving for 6 months in the wilderness, and training with Piccolo for another 6 in preparation for 2 more "Saiyajins" arriving to use the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality and to exterminate Earth's populous, Piccolo gives Gohan a similar version of his own fighting uniform. This is Gohan in the uniform that he would wear for a large portion of his childhood, in honor of the once sworn-enemy of his father who died protecting Gohan from an attack by the Saiyajin Nappa, meant to kill him.
Son Gohan, Saiyajin Saga
This is Gohan in the uniform that he wore during the fight against Vegeta and Nappa when they first came to Earth. In it, he sports a uniform that is almost an exact replica of Piccolo's uniform, only he also has a Ruff around his neck, and wears a headband to keep his hair out of the way, which he later loses when it gets knocked off after being sent flying into a boulder by Nappa.
Right-click and click save-as to download Gohan's Saiyajin saga 1.7+ only skin!
Right-click and click save-as to download Gohan's Saiyajin saga Universal skin!
Son Gohan, Saiyajin Saga, Manga colors
This is just a little one-off skin that I made of Gohan in his Manga colors. Only the 1.7+ version is available, I'll have the Universal version up, and download links to both later on.
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Manga-color 1.7+ only skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Manga-color Universal skin!
Son Gohan, Namek Saga
Though his old uniform was destroyed in the battle against the Saiyans, Gohan is a surprisingly good tailor for his age. Sporting the same uniform, that he made by himself without Chichi's knowledge to honor Piccolo for sacrificing himself to save his life, except without the headband, he wore this to Namek... along with what was arguably the worst haircut in the Dragon Ball series. (Why, Chichi? Why?)
(My face looks like this because I'm annoyed at this horrible haircut!)
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Namek saga 1.7+ only skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Namek Saga Universal skin!
Son Gohan, Trunks Saga
This is a uniform that he trains in for an episode of the Trunks Saga, while he is training with Piccolo and Son Goku in preparation for the Androids that are to come 3 years after Trunks' warning. In this outfit, he removes the Ruff that was around his neck, making his uniform a near precise copy of Piccolo's uniform, with the exception of the red Obi (Waistband).
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Trunks-saga training 1.7+ only skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Trunks-saga training Universal skin!
Son Gohan, Android Saga.
This is the uniform that Gohan wears when fighting the Androids up until he goes into the Room of Spirit and Time (Or the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for you dub-watchers). In this uniform, he brings back the Ruff, and instead of orange-brown Namekian shoes, he wears black shoes, and white leg-warmers with his pants tucked into them. This is arguably the most he ever customizes the uniform that Piccolo gave him up until adulthood.
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Android-saga 1.7+ only skin!
RIght-click and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's Android-saga Universal skin!