First time making a skin, 1.8 just kinda inspired and motivated me to try.
Jet was one of those original green-eyed enderman. When the game updated
to have purple-eyed enders instead, Jet's coding got all glitched.
Like, badly glitched. So bad that he was being physically torn in half,
suffering major amounts of pain as his enderpearl was violently cracked
through the center. All his 1's wanted to go this way and his 0's wanted
the other. The RGB pixel configuration of all the endermen's eyes was
supposed to have the green set to zero. The red and blue would blend
according to the RYB color rules to create a purple hue. Unfortunately
for Jet, the scripting for that process is distributed between the 1's
and 0's, and his were divided, unable to work together. The 1's worked
the red, and the 0's worked the blue. Jet was left with a red eye and a
blue eye when it was over. The original tear in his coding was repaired,
his 1's, the red side, and 0's, the blue side, were restitched. As the
script was accustom to writing more than it changed, Jet was left with
excess energy, or coding, or whatever. The unused portion became a
glitch in its own, congregating inside of Jet's broken pearl. It was now
in a form he could use and manipulate if he knew how. Jet's physical
appearance had suffered a change aswell, his face left with large cracks
that glowed with the red and blue energy. However, this paled in
comparison to a much more drastic change: the loss of his ender-manhood.
Once a staggering 12ft tall, Jet had been reduced to something of a
pipsqueak, standing at half his original height. (What? Ender-manhood
refers to how tall they are, not their junk.)
Jet's powers are basically control over glitches. Think Vanellope Von
Schweetz crossed with Queen Elsa. He can kinda control the glitches, but
it's easy to lose control of it, partially due to his emotions. Jet
tries to hide his power, doing so by staying within human civilization,
ironically. He will wear dark human clothes, including a hoodie to cover
his head and gloves to hide his hands. He doesnt need to hide his face,
despite being a "mob". Interspecies mating is nothing new, though still
frowned upon. Jet can easily pass for an enderman-human mix cause of
his size and lack of feral qualities that most endermen from the End