Pascal is a clear-headed and brilliant genius technician that Asbel
encounters during his journey. She is friendly and cheerful, always
being curious and not worrying much about things. She usually tries to
raise the spirits of others, making her the mood maker of the group. She
has problems reading the atmosphere in situations and just speaks out
what comes to mind, sometimes making others surprised at her actions.
Being a person who puts a lot of effort in her research ever since she
was a child, she can lose sight of what is happening around her when she
is absorbed in her work.
Family wise, the only member of her family that is seen in game is her older sister,
She has high regard for Fourier and thinks she is amazing and smart,
claiming her to be her idol. However, they tend to have sisterly
disputes, such as a in-game cutscene where Pascal disabled a glue firing
trap in her room meant for Fourier or during the main story's ending
where Fourier comically chases Pascal around by the valkines of Fendel
to get her to take a bath, not having taken one for a week because of
her work.