"Ever since the dawn that the malicious pirates invaded my ship, my family was devastated. I felt as if I was in a dark corner of the world, in a pit within hell designated for me. So quickly, my life had been torn apart into pieces I could never stitch back together.
Our shipcrew was headed our way to Pentaburg, where we would trade our loot we collected for an expedition far west. They hired me to help them, as I was the best in the business. Although lately, I haven't found much jobs in my region, as there were many reports of pirate invasions. Suddenly though, my world changed as I heard an ear-piercing explosion in the bottom dock. A crew member pouring with sweat crawled to me with a deep wound within his chest, leaving a trail of blood as he coughed words I would never forget. Save us.
I grabbed the shimmering cutlass from my belt, whipping it through the air. I held it tight as I trembled with fear, as I wasn't certain how many there was. I was just a simple sea merchant, what could I do? I gritted my teeth together hard, as I took fearful steps towards the side of the ship. Screams and yells of agony flooded the air, as I stared to the sky, praying for Neptune's mercy. Blood covered the walls, as within moments I stood in front of my own craving shadow. My eyes empty of feelings, as I aimed my cutlass towards the ground. An immense amount of cold air brushed my coat to the side, as my hands forcefully shook.
A drip of a tear fell upon the floor, as I held my sword as if it was my very own life. With all of my might, I slashed it into the air, creating a warning for the invaders. Many of them grouped around me, as one of them held the Captain's head by his blonde hair. The man which seemed like the leader held it with delight, grinning with a devilish glare. He walked towards me, as within the second his foot creaked against the ground, I took a jab to his arm. He yelled of pain, throwing the head to the floor as blood began to drip from his arm. A surge of blood lust ran through my body, as I spun around with my cutlass tightly gripped, creating a massive crescent of air around me. The pirates struggled on their feet, as many of them fell off the boat.
As I grinned, I felt a sudden sharp thrust through my chest. My eyes roared open, as my pupils dilated. A bolt of pain erupted from my body, as I screeched into the sky. A pirate hysterically fell to the floor, as he kneed down at me, I turned around to see a simple intent to kill ran throughout the veins of his eyes. He turned his head, grabbing onto the blade. I fell down to the floor, as beside me he sat on his toe, bending down to the ground. His simple stare gave me a cold feeling through my spine.
"I'll spare your worthless life," the man said with an insane smile, as he tapped onto the hilt of his blade. "if ya' tell me where ya' loot is..." he began to say, almost confused at his own words. "Uh... matey.. that's what the pirates say these day ain't it?"
Each tap gave me a fearful shake throughout my body. I quivered with such fear, the salty sweat fell upon my wound, giving me more to worry about. My lips shook, as I refused to open it. I had to make this exchange to the Pentaburg's Trade Center, or else this will my final trade, and the end of my career.
"Ya ain't bout to answer, eh?" he murmured. As he squinted his eyes at me, he slowly turned his hand, twisting the blade. I screamed of pain, as he covered my mouth with his bloody hands. Within a matter of seconds, he tore the blade out of my chest, spun it around two fingers in the air, and stabbed it into the ground.
"Then die." was all he told me. He picked me up by the collar of his shirt, and frowned. Squeezing it hard he slowly walked to the edge of the ship. With such a powerful stance, he tilted his head with displeasure, and without emotion tossed me into the cold ocean.
I let myself anchor to the ocean surface, as I opened my eyes with frustration. It couldn't end here, I had so much to live for. My family... they need me. Water overflowed my eyes, as a dark enveloped over me, and a blanket of death lied beside me.
Yet, this wasn't the case. I ended up in the dock of my home town, and explained this to the locals. They didn't believe me, as I was miraculously healed, as if someone tended to my wounds. Though, I lost everything. My family lived inside card boxes with me, as the shore got larger, they wouldn't allow us within the inner city, so we had to move locations every time the waves hit us. It was a difficult life, but my family mean't everything to me. I'd even give up a leg, to put food down onto the table. Or in our case, onto the dirty, mossy sand."
- Christopher Columbus 3/19/2014