Description from original post
(created 2014-04-27 12:56):
Ook glaf gufhf
His name was Hermanverfal.
Hermanverfal was the leader of the ancient underground caveman race, the Homo Metallicus.* These ancient people mined precious ores from the depths of caves, such as emerald and gold. They were the original redstone masters, inventing the minecart and the redstone lamp. They used the minecrats to travel up to the surface to trade with other ancient people. Today's villagers are the ancestors of these people. And, these villagers are the subject of the greatest scientific mystery: How did they get those weird noses?
Hermanverfal was trading one day while suddenly he was attacked by a gorilla and left to die in the snow. Millions of years later, scientists have uncovered this man's body preserved in ice, and sent him here to this website.
Either that or he's just a weirdo wearing a cinderella dress.
*Homo Metallicus is latin for "miner man"
Guys, I don't normally ask like this, but since it is a contest, please diamond if you would like to, it really helps me out.
Oh btw I think I'll be using a shading style a bit like PotatoLogic's now.