Description from original post
(created 2014-04-30 09:56):
The Earth Things
Though I've only recently discovered these interesting creatures it seems they've been prospering in this massive cavern for centuries. Thankfully they speak English allowing me to talk with them. From what I've observed, the seem to be extemely intelegent, perhaps more so than ourselves...
-an insert from Steve's journal
The Earth Things, as I've decided to name them are rather tall and muscular with broad shoulders. Their green tinted skin and large jaw muscle give them a orge like look however they've greatly adapted to their enviorment. Hugo, a new Earth Friend of mine has been showcasing these adapted features. Hugos large feet and hands help him to scale massive cave walls as well as uneven surfaces quickly. Most Earth Things (especially miners) where protective shoulder pads in addition to the hard shell on their back to protect them from falling debri etc.
Earth Things seem to be amazing creatures, skilled in mining, crafting, and building. Their underground kingdom is massive. They've invented many items previously unheard of including the Helicopter, the Rapier sword, and spiked knuckle guards specifically designed for mining blocks with their fists. They also seem to be able to consume the many ores they mine and suck nutriants from them in addition to their average diet. From what I've heard there are even a few who are talented in magic. Nobody sees them though because in order to hone their skills they lock themselves away in a massive tower.
I'm afraid I'm running low on ink and do not have enough to list the location.
Update Log
1. posted Hugo
2. fixed Issue w/ leg + added beard