Leo fell and fell into the abyss, faster and faster. The light above him got farther and farther away. He could here Samuel's voice get farther out of reach, calling "LEO! LEo! Leo! leo!" Suddenly, something soft hit his back, and he rolled over on something and landed on hard gold flooring. He looked up in a daze and his eyes got adjusted to the light. He was in a big golden dome with a hole in the roof that led up into darkness. Beside him was a large cushion, and infront of him stood two giant doors the size of 3 villager houses stacked ontop of eachother. Leo stood up and was about to go though the doors when all of a sudden 5 Keepers flew down and surrounded him. They had fire coming out of little rockets in the bottom of their feet and their laser cannons aimed at Leo. One of them grabbed Leo's neck and threw him into the large doors. The doors flew open with the force and Leo sailed into a large ballroom and landed inside a crowd of Keepers. They had green lights and green capes hanging from they shoulders. More Keepers surrounded Leo on rockets and started shooting at him. He rolled out of the way and hit one with his pickaxe. It spiraled out of control in the air and hit a group of other Keepers. They burst into a giant ball of flame and landed in the crowd with a huge BOOM! More Keepers came at him and overpowered him. They ripped his pickaxe in half and threw it out of open doors. 2 grabbed his arms and flew him up above the crowd to the ceiling. But before they pounded him into the ceiling and he blacked out, he thought he could see a Keeper sitting on a throne, with gold lights, and an evil glint in it's head peice....
The story will continue in
Keeper of the Deep (The King, Calm)