Description from original post
(created 2014-05-15 18:11):
6th skin in the Keepers of the Deep skin series! Check out the other ones by clicking here! I'm too lazy to put a description and a realz long story so it will all be short. Summary of this skin: Its in a series, it looks cool, its a special shaded edition, and he has 3 layers but is 1.7- and 1.7+ compatable.
To lazy to put my copyright order like I do in every skin so here: If you repost this or do any hate on it, that's not really a good idea.
Unfortuneatly my Insert Spoiler button doesn't work. So I will do 2 stories on the next skin. Promise. But untill then, no story. If your intrested in the previous stories though, click here andsearch for the skins that kind of look like this one but without a cloak. And the first storie is in the first skin which is Keeper of the Deep (Angry)