--- Entry for Underground creatures skin contest ---
Deep beneath the crust of earth..
Lies a sivilization, ranging from all creatures from the underground.
A superior race lies in the sivilization beneath..
This race as know official name but most people state them as magmatic creatures.
Further deep into the world's mantle is the core, upon the outer core lies liquids ranging from 2,600 -
2,900 Celcius.
In this place cells slowly begin to build up..
As many races try to get there but.. they all die..
For some odd reason the hot liquids absorbed the cells from creatures that died in it..
As the cells built up they slowly formed this dark despairic creature.
This creature could resist any amount of heat and was feared by many races deep below.
As this creature was made of sharp rough skin and was quite know to resort to violence when people
questioned its race..
This race quikcly began to grow and conquer the underground kingdom..