Hey everyone! I decided to enter this contest, for the fun of it. I made a
little backstory too, hope you like it! :)
Nemirdes was a a young 19 year old mermaid. She lived with her mother
and father, the Queen and King of all mermaids. She had the power to
turn into a human from the age 16. One fine day, she swam to the top of
the water, as she would do everyday and watch the ships pass by.
Everything seemed fine, but she saw a ship in the distance that looked
in trouble. She hurriedly swam toward it. It looked as if it had been
caught on fire. "Fires don't start normally." she thought. As she got
nearer, she could see small boats rowing from it. The humans never
attacked the mermaids, but she felt awkward, so she dived under the
water. "I shouldn't be afraid." she thought. So she swam back up and
made her way closer to the ship. There was no one else there. It seemed
everyone had escaped. She looked up and saw a young man still on
board. He was calling for help, but no one else was near enough to hear
him. Suddenly there was a huge blast. Pieces of wood flew everywhere.
She dived underwater once more. After waiting a while for the rubble
to settle, she swam back up. The ship was basicly gone, nothing was
really left of it. "Oh I wonder what could of happened to that man." she
thought. She searched for him, and found him lying on a very small piece
of wood. It was about to sink itself. She hurried grabbed him by the
arm, and swam toward the shore. It was hard, but she finally made it.
When she touched the land, she formed legs. She walked up and
carried the man with her to the port. She asked someone to examine him
, they said that he was not injured very bad but would need rest for
atleast a week. He was curious about her, and was about to ask her
more questions, but she hurriedly ran toward a village farther on shore.
She found a small house and a kind woman let her have it for nothing
for a week. She helped Nemirdes care for him while she stayed. He
woke up a few days later, and began to recover fast. After he was well,
he said his name was Daniel Phau. He also asked her various
questions. She confessed she was a mermaid, but he seemed to not
mind. It was almost her 20th birthday, and she knew she must hurry back
to her underwater home. She told him she must go but would return in a
few days. Upon returning home, she told everyone her story. After a
while she returned to land, and lived a happy life with him and had a
daughter named Aglarneth who had the same powers as her mother.
(Note) Her tail turned into a dress when she went on land (Lol)