Description from original post (created 2014-06-16 18:34):
This skin is a phoenix Flying through the clouds over a house and into the stars.This skin took me days to make.just to make it perfect.I made many mistakes and restarted Quite often.This is my first skin contest iv enterd and i hope i do good.
P.S. This skin is still in a work in progress im editing Every day\
Once in a fair land thre was a kingdom and that kingdom wasnt any ordanary kingdom it was a egg hatching kingdom. One day the Kings daughter, Phelma (Velma is how it is pronounced) Desided to go on a trip to the Bird forest. The king forbade it Saying only the true heros can go there and survive.The daughter was dissapointed. Phelma went to her room looking off into the distance of her window , When she looked away she heard a screach off from the bird forest.Phelma Recognised that screach because it is only heard once in 1000 years and she know what bird it was...The phoenix. That momet she was mezmorised as she ran to her father."Father,Father!" she Screamd as she ran to his Throne. "Father I heard it!" She says. But as he father was there confused on what she sayd he sayd "Phelma You cant run around making up stories, your turning 11 Tommorow and you need rest for the Party, Plus the Phoenix Cry is very rare. only once every 1000 years." Phelma stood there and felt like a fool. She ran to her room and slamed the door. "Why wont anyone listen!" She screamd.Then she knew it. She had to sneck out. So phelma grabed food , Blankets,A photo of her parents , water and left.Phelma Was half way through the city when one of the nehboors birds flew to her and started screaching.Phelma Hurried away into the Bird Forest."I have to get proof tonight or my dad will be schocked when im not there".*Crunch,Crunch* The leafs under Phelmas Feet.She rested for a few moments and looked up at the stars.At that moment she heard the Exact same Screach as eirler but louder .She looks over only to see a bright bird stuck in a net.''Woah, How did you get in that!"She asked the phoenix as the phoenix looked at the net."Here ill get you out."She sayd Opening the net.Automaticly The phoenix was gone with a feather and a egg.Phelma looked at the egg carefully.It was a egg shes never seen before! She rushes out of the forest and to the castle with the glowing egg. "Father! I got proof i heard it!" she yelled at her dad "Ahh let me see that feather...My god. This Feather is a phoenix feather.And whats that."Phelmas father points to her hand under her sleeve."Ohh this... This is the egg the phoenix left for me when i freed it in the Bird forest... Opps!" She was paralized on her feet for that moment "What! You went to the Bird forest and came back with a phoenix egg!" He screamed "Maby.'' As she steeps back and runs to her room locks it and puts the egg in the warmest spot.There it Sat for 9 years. After a Tradgic death for her father she only has herself to this castle."I don know tracy... I cant move out wait yes i can! I dont want to see the same senery were moving!" as she talked to tracy Her pet phoenix.Of corce Phelma was 25 and tracy was 5.phelma Packs And says her goodbyes."Father...Im sorry i diddnt tell you i went to the forest.and im sorry you fell off the balcony and dyed,But I Got to move.I cant rule this kingdom.Goodbye father. And off she went.Got a place on the clear praries of the grasslands and spent Phelmas Rest of life there.60 years later Phelma is paralized and cant move and is sayd to dye within the next few hours.Tracy on the otherhand wich was a Grown Adult Lyed down with Phelma as her life drifted away.Once Phelma was dead Tracy left for home. Tracy dug a hole with her beach and placed her Best friend in it and berried her.Tracy Then flew abobe the house to hover there and wait for the next 956 years of not screaching for it was pelmas last words... (Phelmas last words :Tracy...You got to do what a phoenix has to do...Dont screach for the next 956 years...Thats a phoenix duty..Do it...I love you Tracy...Be good and stay out of sight...)
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