Description from original post
(created 2014-03-02 19:31):
Announcement - This Ryuko skin is the most popular Ryuko Matoi skin in PMC! Thank you so much! :D
Hey guys, AnimeFanFTW and this is Ryuko Matoi, the main character in the anime Kill la Kill.
Kill la Kill is an awesome anime. Almost as good as Panty and Stocking (almost). And the main character Ryuko, is even more awesome! :D
In the anime, Ryuko moves to a new school with very high strict rules and school captains that smash anybody that breaks rules with the help of "Goku Uniforms" (yes, they are called that).
Ryuko is on the hunt for a person (that killed her father) that has half a scissor that goes with her other half-scissor. Then, one day, she came across a living uniform named "Kamui" that attached itself to her, giving her god-like abilities. The downsides are that the uniform needs blood so she can use the uniforms powers and the second downside is............she becomes half naked. (Shine on Japan. Shine the heck on.)
Ryuko is simply badass. She's easily one of my favorite characters in anime.
I hope you like it!
A reference picture:
(no, her uniform doesn't melt)
Until the next skin...
This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!