If the links are not clickable (like, if you click on it, it won't take you to that page) then follow this mini tutorial! : 1. Remain holding down the left button on your mouse. 2. Keep remain holding down the left button on your mouse, then hover over the link you want to visit. 3. Once you did that, right click it and press "Copy". 4. go to a tab and then go to the address box or the search bar. It's best to go to the address box but that's just my opinion. 5. Right click the address box/search bar and then press "Paste". 6. Then just go and find what you were looking for! Please do these steps using the link for Golden princess 12's profile. Thanks.
(Golden princess's profile is now clickable!)
I am greatful that a skin from me got 10 diamonds! I thought nobody liked my skins and because of that, it made me feel that I should stop skinning. Thanks to you guys, I understood that people actually DO like my work (Well I hope so.) this is a dream for me to share my work and make others happy, and I am really happy than ever that I was sucessful to make you's happy. That explains why it got a lot of diamonds. Thank you so much! Now I will continue following my dreams and meet new friends, and of course make everyone happy. -Thawne