pls, the high seas aren't infested with pirates, they're infested with weirdos like this guy.
btw, his finger are quite wrinkly from the water :p
July 1957
These two guys were at school and this one guy (guy 1) was all crazy dancing on the table, and to the other guy (guy 2) he was like, "I dare you to finish your homework early". Then guy 2 was like, "never.. actually, only if you catch me a vampire squid with your bare hands." "Hmm," guy 1 said, "you got yourself a deal, but I get to pick what I wear."
So.. 3 months later, he's in the middle of the high seas filled with many of these weird people getting other people to do dares.
..and to this day, guy 1 is still searching for the vampire squid in the deep depths of the high seas.
guess what this guys favourite dance move is.
the snorkel.
hue hue hue
oh look there he is now (thnx basicbrick c: )