'Ello. Finally finished this xOx.
Syria used to be a normal person, a photographer. But she didn't photograph anything else other then birds and flowers. Syria loved where she lived. (She lives in a tropical area with exotic birds) There were two flowers and two birds she absolutely loved. The flowers were dark orchids, and Bird of Paradise. The birds were Humming Birds and Purple Headed Glossy Starlings.
One day Syria was taking pictures of birds doing their tricks, when a Humming Bird was attacked. She didn't see what attacked it, but what she did see is that she caught it before it hit the ground and got injured, or even worst, died. She took the bird to her home and began using multiple herbs and medicenes to care for the bird, since it's wing was broken. After a day, she let it fly away, all fixed up.
Little did she know that two teenagers drunk were the causers. She was out taking more pictures of flowers when the two teenagers went walking over to her drunk. All of their words were slurred, so she couldn't understand it all. What she did understand was "we were going to kill and sell it's feathers" She sincerely apologized, then added, "Birds are not things to sell. You can easily see it's feathers. Even if I did let you kill it and sell it's feathers, no one would buy them. Obviously you're new here, or you would know that we don't carry guns everywhere just to shoot birds out of the sky. We love our birds the way they are, alive." One of the drunk teenagers had taken that as an insult, and attempted to kill Syria, luckily missing a lot and only shooting her leg. Police were near, so they saw, and arrested the teenager who shot her, and got an ambulance to take her in.
A day after, she was told that she would never be able to use her leg again, and trying to walk wouldn't work either. Her hobby was finished.
When she was home, she was sitting in her yard (She had a wheel chair), watching two birds fly around. She wasn't too sad. "I wish I could fly, I would be free." She muttered. She watched as the two humming birds chirped together then flew right in front of her, and made their songs sound like "You can become a protector of the wildlife here, for saving my kin." Syria accepted, she was able to walk again- but most importantly... fly. She had a garden and home in the sky, where a lot of every kind of bird was. Every time a bird was harmed, or a flower was dieing due to a humanoid's fault, she would go and use her magic to make the flower alive again, and bring any bird harmed back to her home and care for it.
She was happy, she was free.