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(created 2014-06-24 00:33):
hey! im back! (yay) anyway heres my entry for the contest! hope you like!
DISCLAIMER - this is based on mythology but has a few twists of my own! :D
This is the legend of abydos (abeed-dos) a bandit that travelled around greece as a conartsit stealing everyones riches! zeus saw this low-life coward and in discust asked the nymphs of the clouds and stars (spirits) to punish him. Judging the man they brung him up to the clouds and told him to change his ways or suffer there wraith! expecting abydos to plead and beg for forgiveness of his unholynes the nymphs were suprised as he didnt... he looked at them unfazed.
All of the spirits stared at the man waiting for him to do anything, abydos stared back until nephale, a main cloud nymph aproached the man, and whispered in his ear suductivly "speak or die". Reacting quickly abydos spat on nephale! she backed away quickly then went back to the man, " You like to spit i see...." said nephale "well i like to scratch!" nephale pounced onto abydos and scratched his eye!
Abydos held his hand to his eye in pain, then removing it thinking the blood was gone but his eye vision was different it was clouded like being in a hot spring of steam! nyphale screamed at the other nymphs "take him to the mists of forgoten!" "but mrs the mist of forgoten are in the middle of space and the sky aswell as our living quaters the clouds!, dont you think we should-" "Silence!' screamed nephale "take him now!" dare you... i worked hard on this -.- well then... lets make it baby launguage!
bad man
spirits say no be good!
bad man says no
spirits get angry and take him to mist of death!
the longer man stays in there the more he changes into the clouds
is a slave to spirits
to whomever that finds this
ive been in the mist for days now wandering around waiting for death, although as i wonder i see other people, but only with the eye that witch nymph scratched, it seems they are being consumed by the mists themselves! I saw a lady that as she was possessed for this forsaken place she fell under.... disapearing never seen again! I did have a friend who was normal like me and we wandered together talking until 1 day he had an arm of cloud his eyes as black as oil and just moaned, I ran into more of the unknown hoping for a saivor that never came, hopfully i dont turn into these zombie creatures.... if they dont get me first...