Skylings were once in peace with the sky. They did their everyday work to help the sky, and the sky helped back in a perfect community. Skylings lived in the midst of the clouds and sky, building landscapes trying to reach higher points. The sky and clouds gave the skylings protection from invading predators. But, one day the clouds in the sky grew weak, allowing other life forms to attack the comunity. And after a while, the community was attacked over and over again because it was an easy and clear target. The Skylings couldn't rebuild the community fast enough for all of these attacks and eventually fell into ruins. After, the city was looked doqn upon, and stories were tranfered over and over again. Nobody trusted the sky or clouds and remained upon the ground for shelter. And like always, there is always something/someone that is a remainder of a lost community. Skylings then tried to rebuild their community, and noticed that others lived on the surface, not in the sky anymore. They immediately started to rebuild their community, and tried to reach higher in the cloud.
Remeber children; Don't trust the sky
And here's a timlapse of the skin and Cinema 4D render: