Description from original post (created 2014-06-17 01:13):
Before you read, I just want to say this is all fake. Please do not take offense to this, it's not true. Women are appreciated now. :)
Women all over the world are forgotten for their kind deeds in life. And did you know that not only does it happen on earth, it happens above Earth, as well? They say Heaven is a utopia, but there is as much prejudice and sexism in Heaven as there is on Earth. Why do people know of God as a man? Why is Jesus a man? MANkind? WoMAN? HuMAN? LADies? Notice how all of these words have "man" or "lad" in them? Why is it that there is a KING of Gods? Why did God create a MAN first?
In heaven, women do lots to provide the closest that you can get to a perfect life. Servants? Women. Maids? Women. Women always feel less to men in heaven. Women even hunt and fight the creatures of the underworld and even sacrifice themselves in battle or in place of men. No man ever pays attention to the women who try so hard to be appreciated and known for. Months and years went by and women finally grew tired of these men never even giving two cruds about everything they do. It even came to the point where women were completely taking over the job of men, and the men were doing almost nothing. It was almost like slavery.
On the exact date June 23, women neglection was at its peak. Women couldn't take it anymore. So they met up at the Magic Fountain, of which it performs magic of many sorts, such as turning people to unbreakable stone. They met up at 12:00 sharp at midnight when all the men were asleep on their huge beds. The women divised a plan to express their feelings to the men, and the men couldnt do anything about it once their voices were heard. They would have to turn themselves to stone, but they were 100% sure that their plan would work. This was their plan:
Rebellious/Violent Women: Go kill the mastermind behind women neglection. Write a sign in his blood saying "This is how we feel about you." Turn themselves to stone, holding the man and the sign.
The Daredevil Women: Set themselves on fire while turning to stone to resemble how they dont get recognized when they risk their lives.
The Dramatic Women: Turn to stone while on their knees sobbing and holding a sign saying, "How could you do this to us?"
All the others: Turn to stone, while standing in tears, holding a sign saying, "We've had Enough"
At exactly 1:00am, after they divised the plan, they put it in action. The violent women ran over and silently killed the mastermind, while the other women were getting in their positions. They all dipped their hands into water, and let their body slowly turn into stone, as they got into the perfect place. (you can still move until your body is completely turned to stone) (oh and by the way the stone fades only some color thats why the skin isnt all gray)
At 1:30am, everyone was in their position, ready for the men to see. They couldn't feel a thing. They couldn't move, but their soul was still in the stone. You'd think the women can't see but they can see as clear as they could before they turned to stone, so they could see the men's reaction.
8:00. Wake up time for the men. The first words that come out of their mouths:
"Servant! Servant! Where is my servant! SERVANT!!"
The next words:
The men were forced to get out of bed by themselves, and do their own brushing, and make their own breakfast (which of course they failed miserably at). Then all of them, all thinking the same thing, went to look first for the mastermind. They stormed straight to his room, and they stared in shock at what they found on his bed:
"If yoU waNT to SeE the masTeRmINd, meET us at the FOuNTAIn" written in blood.
So of course, they ran to the fountain, and could not believe what they saw.
The men experienced 3 moods: Shock, then Anger, then Regret and Guilt. Their cries sort of went like this:
"What the-how-?!"
"I cant- I cant believe we were treating them like this all along, and- and we never even noticed at all... "
The men began to sob. "I guess we can't take back what we did to them, we might as well give the women below us what these women never had..."
So all of the men opened the gates to heaven, and yelled to the world below,
And on that very day, women were allowed to vote.
Thanks for reading my horrible story. If you like it (which you most likely dont) give a diamond i guess. I hope this goes far in the contest (which it most likely wont xD) But hey, I can dream :) Oh, and comment if you have any questions/suggestions/thatstuff and if you really liked it, subscribe i guess.
<3 Maya
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