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(created 2014-06-29 10:21):
Above The Clouds Contest Entry
In 2174, prisons were kept above clouds due to the escapees tendencies to reak havic on the cities below or the "Islands" above. Joses Mont was one of the prisoners of Falasy Prison when there was a blackout. Panic arose as guards tried to stop the riot. But this was no ordinary blackout. A hurricane had arisen striking crystalline lightning bolts that blazed the sky. Joses ran from his quarters through the halls until he breached the upper deck. Suddenly a bolt shattered the glass landing on Mont's head electricifying him. Stunned and confused his brains ordered him to jump of the upper deck into the clouds below him. He did as his brain commanded. But he did not fall as a rock. He felt the wind beneath his feet and the thunder in his ears as he soared off into the deadly storm. He still walks in tornadoes and storms as some say with a crystalline side and
a sparkle in his green eye.
Wish I could add more. Really Really Had to rush on this.