In the not so distant future, the planet's surface was ravaged by an unstoppable evil. With no where else to go, the remnants of the human race took to the skies. They built hovering cities kept aloft by powerful anti-gravity engines. High above the planet, these monstrosities kept our species alive.
Unfortunately, we were not the only ones in this cloudy domain. Several weeks after the initial launch of these floating cities, strange marks began to appear on a number of their citizens. From afar, they appeared to be some sort of rash; nothing out of the ordinary. On closer inspection, it is clear that these were not random marks but symbols.
Not long after the marks appeared, the reapers began to attack. Human-like in appearance (the major difference being their large white wings), these creatures would carry off the marked ones and kill who ever attempted to stop them.
To some, these creatures of the sky were indiscriminate monsters. To others, they were angels. The people who were marked were not randomly chosen. They consisted of the worst of society; burglars, murderers, and forgers among many others.
Even after it was clear what kind of people the reapers were taking, authorities still tried to fight them off. Though these wrongdoers may have warranted punishment, many believed that probable death by reaper was not a fate they deserved. Others argued that these people weren't worth defending and should be given willingly to the reapers.
Despite the best efforts of the authorities, every marked person was eventually taken.
Though the reapers were never seen again, tales of their actions were passed down through the generations (even if their importance was diluted). Many parents (after telling the story of the reapers) would warn their children that if they didn't behave...............................................................
They Will Come