Description from original post
(created 2014-03-23 10:31):
we eventually decided on the theme nature. The first skin in the series (thanks for the honour mintcherry!) has a story, the other might as well but we haven't decided yet XD her name is Willow and she is a sort of wolf-girl-nature-elemental-flower-thingy.
Story Line
Willow had never been a... Normal girl. She'd never went to school. In fact she grew up in the forest, with no friends but the trees. Her memory went cloudy when she tried to remember her parents, and as far as she knew she'd never even had parents.
She wove material to make clothes out of the nettles and thistledown she found near the lake, and she used the left over material as archery practice. Willow was amazing at archery. She had whittled a bow at the age of 5, and had used her own hair to weave string so she could actually use the bow and go hunting, and she had carved arrows out of bits of flint and sticks she would find on the forest floor.
Willow had never met another human being. She had never seen herself apart from when she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the lake. She wasn't sure if all humans had tails and ears like a fox, but she couldn't find out, could she?
Willow didn't even know why she seemed to look as though she had been stuck in a teleportation device with a fox.
It was the 19th of August, and the warmest day in a long time. An unusual one at that, too.
She had brought back at least 5 turkeys earlier, that was more than Willow could usually catch in a week! She had found TONS of fish in the lake, and she had NEVER caught a fish before. This made her... Anxious. Things never went this good for her. Willow was... very lucky today. Suspiciously lucky. She heard a twig snap behind her, and her head snapped around with a cat's reflexes.
''Hello?'' she said nervously. ''Who's there?''
Now more twigs were snapping, all around her, but in the moonlight she couldn't quite make out the sillhouette of the creature that seemed to be approaching her.
Snip. Snap. Snip. Snap.
''Hello?'' she called again, this time a little frightened.
There was a quiet grunt behind her.
She spun around, and caught a glimpse of her captor. Just enough time to get a reasonable look at the gun he was holding.
There was a loud bang, and suddenly she felt a throbbing pain in her side.
Willow collapsed.
She heard the man call something softly.
''Leonardo! Jacob! Caelin! C'mon over here and look at the beauty I found us!''
A small group of men approached her, one about her age. He looked terrified.
He had black hair and pale skin, although half of his face was made of metal. His eyes were different colours, too. The one to his left was red, and the one to his right was white. After he got a little closer he masked his fear with a fake scowl.
''I told you that if you found any survivors you were to leave them ALIVE, Jay!'' the boy growled.
'Survivors..?' Willow's mind wondered, before her eyes closed tightly and her field of vision went completely black.
To Be
I hope you enjoyed, the next part of the story will be included in the next skin I make in this series!
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