Description from original post
(created 2014-04-26 20:15):
ehhh, this is terrible beyond being fixable.. i'm gonna do a whole redesign, etc and upload l8r.
gah, this is taking 4evr i'll make to new one l8r. dis will have to do :c
this is a draft 4 now.. didn't want anyone coming up with the same idea and posting it before me.. hehe xP
IT'S A DRAFT.. k ;-;
Here’s to my first moderately good use of the 3d layer
Have you ever wondered how gravity works? Well, this creature is the one responsible for gravity by their control over the nuclear force. It enables the planets to maintain their distance from the sun whilst still being attracted, but more importantly, it enables all the matter on each planet to stay intact and not float off into the vast black yonder.
___ is the guardian of the gravity “machine”. Ever since the discovery of how to manipulate the nuclear force by their species, they have scattered throughout the universe, enabling solar systems and planets to form.
This is the story of one adventurer who discovered him.
<insert imagination here pl0x; yes you>
Also, as a little side story, have you ever wondered why goats always try to get as high as they possibly can? Well, it turns out that goats are actually a creature that originated from underground (no-wonder they’re so derpy looking, they couldn’t see so natural selection wasn’t an option). However, as the ___ love to feed on the goats, they started farming the goats for food which quite obviously lead to the fear of ___ by goats, even to the point where it was an instinctive reaction of the baby goats (kids) to fear them. One day, a goat found out how to unhook the gate latch and a number of them were able to escape. These goats had one sole mission; to escape from the ___ using any means possible. For the next few years, the goats spent their time climbing through caves, ravines and even swimming through underground pockets of water, but eventually they found the surface by being shot up through a “Blowhole thing”. To this day the goats are still trying to get as far away from the __ as possible, which is why they always seem to be on mountains or even just standing on things taller than the ground around them.