Name: Aileen Kamior
(Pronounced: Aye-Lean Kam-E-Or)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Normal Teen
Snacks, Eating bubblegum,
Skateboarding, Hanging with guys,
Taking dares, Friends
Quietness, 'Boringness',
'Bossy Boots'
Eats: Bubblegum, Chocolate
Hobbies: Skateboarding, Doodling
Fear of: Long Dresses, Vegetables
Talent: Skateboarding
Kind, Cool, Cute,
Smart, Talented,
Silly, Funny,
Encourages People
to have a smile always,
Flexible, Positive,
Back Story:
*Skateboarding noises*
Aileen breaks the wind with her speed, as she goes down hill.
"Woooo!". She goes faster...
and faster...
and more faster...
Aileen stops the skateboard from
crashing too late and she fell off at the end
of the ride. Her knee is in pain, with blood
slow dripping out, but she's okay.
Vividly, Aileen sees 3 friends of hers appearing
from her imaginary fog, on the street she's at.
They see her and she gives them a wave.
One of them runs to her to see if she's okay.
"What happen--" "I'm fine. No need to know.
Just one of those late stops". "Oh, well okay, you
know..", "Hmm? Why are you here convienently?",
"Oh, my 2 mates back there are coming over to my
mum's appartment to hang out, you 'wanna come?"
"Uh, well.. I guess so". *Aileen cringes a little*.
They arrive at the appartment.
"So Aidan, whose with you?" Aileen questions.
"You know, Igniel and Kor-" "Koral? Haven't seen you in ages",
Aileen interupts. "Oh heyyyyy Aileen. You ready for that re-match over
again at the skate park?", Koral says with a sort of game-play face.
"I'm 'gonna beat you again! You sure?", "Hell ya!".
"But.. you guys know we just arrived here..." Aidan says awkwardly.
"We know that, we're just 'gonna do the skate match
tomorrow... duh" Koral says after.
They just hanged and as usual,
Aileen ate bubblegum. The next day,
Ailden, Koral, Igniel and Aidan were at the
skate park with their skateboards.
"3! 2! 1! Let us launch!"
Aileen and Koral blasted off.
The winds were like rockets in the stary
skies. Aileen and Koral were in a tie,
one going infront of the other, but the other
keeping up. It was a close one. They did
tricks on the racks and obsticles, but in the end,
the person who won was...
"AILEEN WINS! Rekt mate" Igniel shouts at the
ending of the race. "Oh c'mon! I WAS SO CLOSE!"
Koral rages. "Told 'ya I'd win" Aileen repeats from
the past. "Alright, I admit you're better than me"
"Yup". Ailen cringes.
The 4 best friends skated 'till the sky was like
autumn colours.
The End? ._.