I am now going to be using Minersneedcoolshoes for my primary editor. I used to use the Skindex's editor, but it is broken for me now so I am forced to use another. *smirk* Not that I mind Coolshoes; I don't- it just takes awhile to make a good skin there (without leaving out parts, LOL).
That said, I am adjusting my skinning activity to perhaps once a day or every other day- this skin took me roughly three hours, no joke, and look how ugly it turned out. ^-^ Please bear with me as I learn the ropes of 1.8, it is very new to me. ;)
I am also leaving Skindex as WindGuideYouOn. I have been there for awhile now and it's time for a change- and besides, I cannot post there; being that the editor is screwed up. If that fixes itself, I may be back, but I will probably go for stretches of time where I do not post at all. I have grown very used to PMC and I enjoy the community and layout better. (This may get me some hate from my Skindex friends; I'm sorry if that is the case.)
And, I think that's all the updates I have for now. :) Have a lovely day, my friends. ♥