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(created 2015-11-08 16:27):
So, if you actually take the time to read this, I praise you...
♥ My backstory! ♥
It all started on December 17th, 2001. Of course I was born then, with my brother being born on October 11th, 1997. My brother (Patrick) is autistic. You could'nt really tell just by looking at him, but you would have to get to know him better, and yeah.
Aside from that, I grew up in a huge house, it was three stories tall--for only three peope living there (and with a playground in the backyard too... >:3) During that time, my mom and dad had a daycare for about 7 or so years, which she got paid for it. Unfortunately, my mother and father decided to get divorced in 2004, when I was only three and my brother was about 7 or 8 years old. They divorced--mainly because of the daycare, (and ofc they always fighted ://) which all the kids my mom took care of messed up the house and stuff (like scratching the floor, running around, breaking stuff--they were only like 5 or 6 years old)... My mom also had roomates, which either hacked their way into her house, or lived in her basement. (And those people are a whole different story. xd)
So umm, my dad kept getting mad at my mom for having to buy new flooring because it kept getting messed up so easily, which is the stupidest this I've ever heard... So APPARENTLY HE DECIDED TO BE LIKE "NAH MAN BAI CYA" and just left her a single parent with me and my brother to take care of--along with daycare kids (which she was actually happy about--I can't  even describe how much my mother hates my father at that time, and still x'D.)
At the time, Patrick and I were homeschooling. I had to quit gymnastics because my mother couldn't pay for it, especially since she had to pay for that big ol' house... We eventually ended up moving 8 hours away from our original house in 2011. The reason we moved:
• My mother couldn't afford that house anymore.
•  Roomates kept getting on her nerves.
• And she needed to get a better job, and someone to take care of her kids.
We came to my grandmother's state--along with my mother's sister--and decided to live with her on a plot of land that has three houses: one for my aunt and uncle, who owns the entire property; one for my grandma--who payed rent to my aunt; and this guy who lived in a mobile home on the land. We had to live in my grandma's house for quite some time, until the guy in the mobile home (Mr. Pete) wanted to move out so he could live with his children (because he didn't know when he was going to pass--he was an old guy ;w;;.) So we ended up taking that mobile home and paying rent there like he used to be doing. Of course we had to do some redecorating... Anyway...
We continued homeschooling (for me it was 2nd-4th grade, and kept doing this at my grandma's place) and I finally wanted to start making some friends at a REAL school and decided to go to public school. I've made many friends, and I'm not the one to say "I have JUST ONE best friend" because all of my friends are honestly family to me (if I know you personally--you're special ^-^.)
I've been living in the state I'm in right now for about four years. We still have to travel down to where my dads family is every summer, and every other Christmas/winter break (when we get off of school for two weeks, and we have to drive down there and spend about $250.)
Nowadays, I just like going down there to spend time with my other family (on my dads side.) My dad drinks a lot, and smokes. And considering I have asthma, me being around smoke is a horrible idea. I never know when the next time he would get married again... -.-. I'm lucky that I have a mom that actually takes the time to stop smoking and drinking, I'm really proud of how much she's accomplished in just five years, honestly.
So let's hop back to my brother's autism (asperger syndrome.) Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood (from childred from all backgrounds), characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. As you may know, austism can't be cured. It can last for only so many years, or for your entire lifetime. Him being in homeschool along with me was I guess a good idea to begin with, he couldn't really take out any anger on people (if he went to a public school, which he didn't.) So whenever I started public school, that meant he had to go to public school, not so we couldn't be on different schedules, but also for him to develop social skills (along with me, believe it or not I grew up pretty shy...) I don't really remember too clearly how he developed them, or even if he did at all, but my mother and grandmother seemed not so happy. In his case, he doesn't know when he hurts someone's feelings or if he even has any feelings himself. He's actually very intelligent, is into technology, and has a very extensive vocabulary. He really likes to eat, and he started gaining weight ever since... I don't even know when. But we decided to put him on a diet (the first time--it was a 2000 calorie diet, but whenever we went to the other state for break, family there wouldn't follow that--or they never heard of a diet he was ever on, so we ended up making it a 1800 calorie diet and making sure family members all around knew what he was up to.) Today, he's been losing so much weight. In just one month--we had to keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn't sneaking any more food--he lost about 30 pounds, and I'm really proud of him. If you really set your mind to do something, it will happen, no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it.
Back to me... x'D Just wanted to talk about that^^
I have braces and glasses (typical nerd cx.) My dad--JESUS MY CAT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME--my dad being my dad wasn't going to pay at least half of the money for my braces (which was like 5K--half would be like $2500), nor my glasses, so that meant more working for my mom, whoopee, especially since he still has to my child support and literally gives my mom $150 a month \\-.-// @.@
I honestly don't know what else is wrong with me, so let's move on to one of my accomplishments?
I play flute in band. I've been playing it for about three years now--and I think I've done a lot in those three years. Just on Monday, my band teacher (Mr. Derr--LAUGH ALL YOU WANT) asked me and five other people--out of about 200 ;w;;--to audition for Regional Band. He's apparently been listening to my tone and he says he wants to duplicate it... O.o xD. Whenever I print out sheet music that is a well known piece of music (such as One Last Time by Ariana Grande) and I practice it and the next day play it in class, everyone says they love how I play, and that makes me only what to be more and more good at what I do. So I guess you can say never give up on your dreams (considering music is literally my life.)
Currently just Livin' Like Larry.