Lel, so yea. This skin is for
Fawkesy's 500 Sub Contest!
I love how the head came out ;3
Fawkesy gave me permission to enter
the contest after the deadline
Aswell, I have changed my name from
Yuuki_Asuna02 to Ashuiko Yuki
(Pronounced Ash-You-E-Ko You-Key)
A bit about the Skin...
As a Young Pupil:
-Robot Vioce- "I'm just a robot who goes to
school. But I am not, as you humans called it,
'Normal'. I love the beautiful spots
in the sky at night that I gaze upon.
They twinkle and sometimes they even move,
making a trail behind them, a 'shooting star'.
I imagine their trails being a type of
paint in the sky, artists that move fast and
paint the lovely spots for me and the world."
-Years go by as the robot envolves, 'Growing'-
-Robot vioce but more smooth-
"I feel like the comets who blast off through the sky.
I feel like that I seem like a 'normal robot that goes to school'.
I feel... incredible... gazing in my telescope at the stars.
I want to a an Astronomer.
I am a Astronomer.
I love Astromony, Space and Time.
Thank you people of the heavens,
for creating this... for me, and for my family."
-A painting of space and 3 Robots in the corner gazing appear-
The Contest