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(created 2015-12-28 02:07):
Before the fall
The weather outside was colder than it was yesterday. Everyone was cheerful, thinking that today was an ordinary Saturday. That was not the case. "I'm going to the store to buy some more milk. Want to come Marina?" Mother asked. I nodded, "I don't feel like it." She sighed, and looked out the window. "Alright, make sure you're bundled up. It's below 20 degrees. I'll be home shortly."
She grabbed her scarf off of the coat hanger, and walked outside the door into the freezing outside world. There I sat, on my couch, watching my favorite television show. If only I wasn't lazy, I could've saved my mother.
My favorite modle came down the runway. I jumped up screaming, causing my bowl of popcorn to fall on the floor messily. The modle was walking back up until the horrible happened. "Breaking news, planes are flying towards the town, and they're not ours." I watched as the planes flew over our town.
One by one, the planes dropped bombs. I stood there in shock. The little supermarket my mother was currently buying milk at, was gone. Blown to bits. I dropped my cup of water, and ran outside the condo. The cold air blew in my face, and the shivers were sent down my spine. I watched as the planes bombed several buildings.
With fear, I ran inside packing up things I needed. The suitcase was heavy, but I ran like the wind outside of the city. Tears fell down my face, "I never even got to say goodbye to her." My tiny feet got me all the way out of the town, safe. When I turned back, all I could see was ashes and destruction of what was used to be a peaceful city.
I hid in a cave. The air was humid, and the floor was wet. I laid on my suitcase, to prevent my red skirt and shirt from getting wet. Uncontrable tears continued to fall, "Why, why me!" I echoed. I cried myself to sleep. Hours later, the sun then turned to nightfall. I woke with a shriek. Something yelped, which echoed in my ear.
I quickly sat up, while unzipping my suitcase to grab my flashlight. I held the object in my hand, and pressed the button causing a beam of light to shine in front of me. My eyes widened as I stared into the eyes of a great white beast. It had a slick white coat, a bushy tail, and a long snout.
I began to scoot backwards slowly, while still looking in it's eyes. It sat down, which made me confused. "Do you want revenge?" A voice called out. I looked around, with no one to be found except the arctic fox. "Do you want revenge?" It asked again. "Revenge against what?" I asked while looking around for someone.
The fox sat up and walked closer to me. It was now a feet away from me. "The destruction of your people. I can help." I was starting to believe that the fox was talking to me. "Whose there?" I shouted. "It is I. The wise arctic fox of the west. I can grant you the ability to take revenge from the destruction of your city, your loved ones, the place you grew up at. Just say so, and I will." It bowed. I looked at it strangely.
Minutes passed, and I replied to the fox, "I do." He looked at me with what looked like a smirk. A light blue mist came out of the foxes paw, surrounding me with it. I would say it was magic, but I don't think anyone would believe me. Seconds later, something strange was on the top of my head. I placed my hands on my head, to reveal fuzzy ears on top. I wanted to question the fox, but I knew this was for a good reason.
I clenched my fists, "I'm going to destroy all of them." An anger worked up inside of me. "Good. But you will need something powerful. Something valuable. A weapon." Another cloud of light blue mist appeared, making a gun and a sword fall to the ground. "A gun for destroying, and a sword for defense. There's more evil out there than the bombers. From the sins of those who caused evil, new beasts have awoken. Be weary, you will practice on these beasts. Once you master both weapons, you can take revenge." I nodded while taking both weapons.
I attached the gun to the left side of my belt, and the sword in my right hand. With both weapons on me, I walked outside of the cave. The fox was right, there were several beasts coming out of the snow. A thumping sound came behind me. I turned around to see a frozen blue scaled monster. It was the size of an elephant, with extremely sharp teeth.
It's small eyes looked down at me. I grabbed my gun with my left hand, and started to shoot at it's eyes. I wasn't the best at aiming. The my sword, I started to slice at the beasts feet. Once it's front feet were taken out, I practiced my aiming. The beast fell on the floor dead.
Monthes later of practicing, I was able to take out a beast in a smaller amount of time. In fact, I could take out two, maybe three, even four. One day when I was practicing, a huge storm came. It was too late for me to find my way back to the cave. I was completely frozen in the snow.
Yeah, sorry guys! I got so caught up in writing that I didn't notice how long it got! :x It took me all day to make this skin, and write this story/come up with the plot, so I'd appreciate it if you'd diamond my skin. It increases my chances of winning. c:
If you like the skin, and enjoyed the story, than please diamond. c: This is the first Alex skin I've ever made. If you'd like to see more Alex skins' from me, than please diamond, favorite, and subbie! Thanks guys! - Panda