Ivy Rose flew by the cheering crowd of the Cloudsdale Stadium. Ivy didn't see the appeal in flight sports. They were too dirty Ivy didn't want to get sweaty. Besides, flying wasn't really... her thing. She shakily flew down to the ground and landed oddly, falling over. She swung around to see if anypony had been watching, and she sighed in relief when she didn't see anyone. She walked down the dirt path into town. Today she was going to buy a house in Ponyville, as she didn't enjoy having to fly to get everywhere. She walked into 'Ponyville Real Estate' , went up to the desk and dinged the counter bell. A brown stallion came out from a back room. He had a curly, short, dark brown mane, and his tail mirrored the image. He was a unicorn, and wore a stylish scarf flashing a smile at Ivy Rose.
"Welcome! You must be new here." The stallion said, coming out from behind the counter and shaking Ivy's hoof.
"I've been here a few times." Ivy said.
"Well then, welcome back!" He said cheerily. "I'm John Enterprise, but you can just call me John. Are you looking for a new place to call home?" Ivy Rose nodded. "Perfect! Anything specific you want?"
"I'd like a house downtown." Ivy Rose answered.
"And your budget?" Ivy Rose doubted Ponyville would be very expensive.
"4 thousand bits." She said.
"Well good! You don't have that tight of a budget, so this shouldn't be too difficult. Follow me." As John left the building, he turned the 'We're Open!' sign to say 'Sorry, We're Closed.'.
He walked across the town sqaure to a house coming right off of it.
"Here's your first choice." He said. "It has one bedroom, one bathroom, a spacious kitchen and a library." Ivy and John went inside and looked around. Ivy Rose liked it, and she wasn't usually that picky.
"How much?"
"1,800 bits." John said. "Much below your budget."
"Sold!" Ivy Rose said, smiling.
"Are you sure? We have more we can look at."
"Yeah, I'm sure." She said, getting out the amount of bits and giving them to John Enterprise. "Thank you!"
"No problem at all!" He said happily. "Here's the keys. Goodbye!" He opened the door with his dark blue aura, and closed it behind him. Ivy looked around her new house. She smiled, relieved she didn't have to fly to get anywhere anymore. She went outside and locked the door behind her, and went to multiple shops for furniture. After a few hours, she placed her new furniture throughout her house and cleaned up the cobwebs and such.
"Done." She said aloud. "I might as well go to the park."
She left her house once more and locked the door, and headed in the direction of the park. Multiple other ponies were wondering about. The foals were playing and the adults were talking. She sat down on the bench when she saw a rainbow fly by. She looked up to see the rainbow make archs and figure 8's and flips that Ivy Rose could never do. Then the rainbow stopped flying, and you coud see it was a mare. He body was blue, and her messy mane a tail were rainbow-coloured. The crowd ooed and awed at the mare and she landed.
"Can I have your autograph, Rainbow Dash?" A little filly asked her. Rainbow Dash smiled.
"Of course you can!" She took the pen and the paper that the filly give to her and wrote her signature on it. Ivy worked up the courage and walked through the crowd.
"Hi," Ivy said to Rainbow Dash. "I'm Ivy Rose. I'm from cloudsdale. I - well - could you teach me how to fly?"
"Sure!" Rainbow Dash said, and started walking beside Ivy Rose. A they walked away, the crowd dispersed.
"Oh wait, I know you. You're friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle right?" Ivy Rose asked.
"Yep." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm also basically a Wonderbolt." She boasted. Ivy Rose smirked. "So, show me what you've got so far!" Ivy flew into the air shakily, and desended a bit too fast, hitting the ground. She looked up at Rainbow Dash, showing an embarassed smile. "Oh boy." Rainbow said, sighing.