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(created 2015-11-06 22:27):
OMG! I-is this real? Someone pinch me-- Wait! I didn't mean it! x3 But seriously, what?! 1k subs in a few months? I-I don't understand. What is this madness. Ya'll are messing with me, thank you so so, so much! When I first started, I REALLY thought it would take 2 years to get here, maybe even 3. But, wow. Just wow. I have no words, even. You are all so amazing *3*
I have a few things I'd like to say.
Let's start, skin wise. I have 5 new skin series I'm thinking of doing. They include pokemon, mobs, disney, animals, and animal crossing. I'm also thinking of redoing the websites because I'm not proud of them. But don't worry about pressure on me, *looks at Chris* I'll be doing them one by one. Taking breaks, not pushing myself over the edge. I'll be fine. I also MAY be doing an art blog. But honestly I'm not a fan of my own art. ;n;
Next up, the skin requests I opened up earlier. Remember? Yeah, I wrote them all down (Private msgs AND comments) and the ammount I have left is 30. So please be patient with me. Sorry if it isn't the best, or what you expected when you recieve it but I'm doing my best. I promise. cx When I finish my last request, I'll announce it. So you can then tell me if you got yours or not! <3
Lastly, meet ups. I'll be doing two of them. Details for the first one: It'll be on Hypixel. (IP: Once you get on, add me as a friend. (Username, Laurenangels) Either I or the user Osana will be hosting the party. We'll be playing the games requested by you all. c:
Day: Friday, 13th. Time: 3PM - 6PM Pacific Time zone (Yes, Friday the 13th. Very spoopy.)
The second one, will be on the 21st, Saturday. Time will be 3PM - 6PM, also Pacific Time zone. The server it'll be hosted on is a server that is an exact recreation of Disneyland, which happens to also be one of the first servers I've ever been on. I warn you now! It's a very glitchy server, often laggy. Altho it could just be me, I have a horrible laptop. (IP: And, this isn't something you have to do, but I'll be wearing a disney skin. Sooo, you guys should wear one also! :3 Make one yourself if you'd like. If you can't find me, find Osana. ONE last thing about the mcmagic server, is that whenever you enter a new section of the park you can only see the users of the people who are in the same area as you in tab. So you might want to
look through them all before jugding if I'm online immedietely. There are /warps to make it easier to get around. To look through them all, do /warp <page number>
For both meet ups, I'll be posting a skin the day before as a reminder that the meet up will be tomorrow. <3 Anyways, once again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! cx
Big thanks to Chris btw. <3<3<3