This skin... I made it... but there was no hair color... it took me a few days before somebody said I should make it purple and I thought 'yeah, that'd look cool'... so yeah
3D Crown... 'bout it
NOTE: The Story can be used as a Standalone, but is a buildup for Part 4, you can read Part 3 at any time, with or without reading Parts 1 and/or 2, it will still be the same, nothing from part 3 is explained in the previous parts, thank you. -Bane
It was cold, it was dark
there was mold, his name was Clark
'Twas the week before Christmas, the mall was packed with scared children and adults, however, there was a man who kept walking, right into the store "Hello, is anyone still here?" he asked, looking around, he could barely see, but the Mall's sunroof provided enough light to have a little look inside "I'm here for the Crescent Star" the clerk slowly rose from behind the counter "Ahh, Mistery man, you couldn't have come at a better time, there haven't been any raidings so far! the Star is still intact, I will go fetch it for you" the clerk walked into the storage room and came out a few minutes later with the astonishing piece of jewelry, it shined in the sunlight, it was very expensive, but Clark didn't care, this might finally start a new chapter in his life. Clark left the mall after the purchase and headed home, he had to plan everything perfect now that things were set in motion... it was going to happen on the 22nd, after 3 years, he was finally going to try it, he only hoped she would say yes
-Several Days later, on December 22nd-
Clark walked into the family party to see just about everyone... except for his Mother and Father, they had died the week before, the day he bought the star, in a car accident 3 blocks from their home. he was just glad that Sebrina was there, they had been dating for almost 4 years, and he cared for her more than he could ever explain.
They all had dinner, it was delicious, Aunt Mindy had made some of her famous homecooked Meatloaf and Uncle Roy brought the 'sugary' treats he always brought
After dinner, Clark and Sebrina sat by the fire together, they were both smiling 'this is my chance' he thought 'I can finally do it' he stood up from his seat and kneeled in front of Sebrina, she started crying tears of joy "Will you ma---" It was then the bombs went off.
A few hours later he woke up, it was freezing where he lay, covered in snow on the house floor, he stood up, brushing snow out of his hair "Sebrina?" he called "Aunt Mindy! Uncle Roy!" he looked around helplessly "Is anyone out there?" then he saw an arm... it had to be Sebrina, the arm had her coat on, he moved the snow around the arm and saw Sebrina, laying there, staring upwards in shock... frozen to death.
"Not again... why... why me... why did I survive?" tears started rolling down his face, causing him to scream in pain, he felt his face, his hand was the same, but for some reason his face felt rough and slightly scaley, he looked at his phone, using the useless thing as a mirror, and saw what he had become.
For hours he layed there, feeling the pain of the tears and of his loss... in two weeks he managed to lose everyone he cared about.
Then he saw it again, untouched for an odd reason. It was the Crescent Star, the ring that he was going to give to Sebrina, he threw it into the street, he had never felt so angry before, rage almost controlled him until he realized it.
It was the Crescent Star that had saved him, but it was a jewel meant for the mysterious alien species that attacked, it was the reason that he was alive, and it was the reason for the attack, He hated that ring... but he kept it, to remember why he's alive, and to remember Sebrina, he swore to never move on, and then buried the family and Sebrina all in seperate graves, marking it with anything he could find, their names written on a piece of paper nailed onto mostly fence
parts and other things, he took the ring with him, swearing vengeance on the ones who caused this to happen to him.
4 Months after he started a settlement in the mountains, nearby a warm cave system with a group of survivors he had found, as word spread of the settlement more and more survivors found their way there, but this town had a name, and it was called FROSTVILLE.