Description from original post
(created 2015-10-18 20:18):
I'm innocent. Believe me. I didn't kill those innocent people, I was framed. I'm now a Tortured Soul, a ghost with very painful memories, unable to forget. Now please, read my story. I am fading, because I am forgotten, and I need to be remembered. Or I vanish forever. Please, save me. And many others to come.
Sincerely, Anne Marie
It's Halloween, and of course, I'm not dressed up. Harriet won't let met me, like always. It's the day after she killed Father. I cried myself to sleep last night. I'm crying still, and Harriet is telling me to 'calm down or people will notice'. I hate Harriet. I HATE her!!! But there is nothing I can do. She's not letting me leave the house, and its almost time for Helen, Andrew and Ella to come back from the academy. As I draw, I think about how I could get rerevenge on Harriet. A Devil Harriet that is burning to death appears on my parliament. Ha, I think. Burn, you vile murderer.
A breeze comes through the attic window. I shiver and grab the rag quilt I'd made and wrap it around me. Suddenly, I hear loud stomping downstairs. Harriet slams the door open and throws a bit of bread on the floor and anarchist the parliament out of my hand.
"What is this, rat?!" Harriet growls. "Oh you little..." Surprisingly, she smiled. "You little Darling! You shouldn't have!" Then she slams the door again.
What just happened?! Something bad, I guessed, and stared out the window. A carriage comes rolling down the path, carrying my step-siblings. They get out, and with their noses high, strut inside the house.
Helen comes in first and I hear her declare to Harriet, "MOTHER! Why didn't Lamey Anney come to the academy today? I was going to show Mason how much of a brat she is. It was, in fact, bring an idiot to school day."
"Remember the plan? We must not foil the plan. She will spill if we let her go, so no." Harriet scolded. "Now bring Ella here, sweetie. It is time."
"Yes Mother," Helen replied, and I could hear footsteps around the house.The stomp stomp stomp of Harriet's boots made their way up to the attic. The door slammed open.
"ANNE MARIE," Harriet growled. "Follow!!!" She kept the door open, but stormed down stairs. I cautiously followed, tip-toeing down the stairs. She led me to the manor, and I gasped.
Ella was tied to a chair, and she had a knife at her side. Harriet was smiling wickedly now, and I could see all her gleaming teeth.
"Grab the knife, Anne." Harriet sneered. "And hold it above Ella."
My hand shook as I grabbed the knife. K think I know what she is doing, and tears fill up my eyes. Ella is weeping.
"Stab her Anne, and keep on stabbing her untill she is dead." Harriet cackled.
I sobbed. Ella was the only one who understood me, and I knew if I didn't do what I was told I would be the one killed. Tears streamed down Ella's face. But then she wimpered, "Anne, was me who killed your...your Father."
I stood in shock. Now I didn't know what to do. I want to save her, but...she killed Father. I stammered, "Ella, I am VERY sorry." At that, I shook and brought the knife down. Ella screamed in agony. I hesitated, but continued. I felt my heart rench protest, but I couldn't stop or Harriet would kill me. I finished the job, not daring to look.
"Now Anne Marie, it's time to finish the job." Harriet cackled. Suddenly, she shoved me into the fire place.
I screamed in pain. All I could feel was pain, pain. My last sounds I heard was Harriet cackling and the roaring Fire.
After that, I remember my spirited my body. It was all fuzzy, but I remember watching Harriet faking being upset and fuelling the police that I murdered my Father, many, many others and Ella, then describing finding me killing myself in the fire. I saw all the people's faces, filled with hatred and horror. Then I couldn't help it. I broke. After that, I drift around the world, showing myself on Halloween, and I appear burning. Now here I am, regretting everything I did, fading away.
Thank You SO much!!! I hope you enjoy!!! (I worked really hard ^-^)
PS- If you don't get the Haloween costume part, I'll explain.
You know how if you are in a costume, you are pretending to be something else? That is what this is. Anne Marie is put in a costume, a costume that makes her look like a serial killer, killing hundreds when she only killed one, and was forced. It's confusing, but that's how I put it. The Halloween part, is well, it happened on Halloween. So, yeah.
Diamond and comment if you enjoyed!!!