Description from original post
(created 2015-10-17 12:12):

There once was a girl called Celeste,
who was girl unlike the rest,
with piercing red eyes, plump red lips,
soft grey hair fell down to her hips.
The dark woods where her home
an escape, a place to be alone,
for it wasnt dress up she played
cuddly toys never stayed
nor she didnt read stories in bed,
as she practiced the art of witch-craft instead.
flames and light from her hands she could create,
potions and spells occupied time till late,
nature, black cats, the moon and the stars,
vials and bottles, strange things in jars.
then came the time to become twenty one,
oh the fun had only just begun,
she ran away to the woods
her home since young she knew was good,
but this time was different, it wasnt just her
something was odd, someone else was there.
a pair of red eyes and a figure in black
a man casting a spell she went towards instead of back.
Together they loved and got into trouble
but they were no ordinary couple,
for she made potions and his spells could bring back dead
as they practiced the art of wich-craft instead.
Hi everyone! long time no see, hope you enjoy this skin for the halloween contest! (thanks if you bothered to read this far down)