Description from original post
(created 2015-10-16 19:16):
Hi! This is a submisssion (Hopefully) For the Halloween Costumes Contest! Here's a quick story about The Moonlight Dancer:
Every night, at exactly Midnight on Hallows Eve (Halloween) The Moonlight Dancer appears. When the Full Moon shines down on Hallow Lake, she appears in a streak of Moon Beam. She is beautiful, with long white hair, and misty eyes. She wears a dark gray gown, with black ruffle. Some blood streaks her hair and back, for she bleed from the inside too. Her shoes wrap around heer legs, and are like Ballet Slippers. She dances and dances, yet is a spirit. She had died while performing a dance on a dock on Hallow Lake. She fell off the dock, and drowned. The minute you see the Moonlight Dancer, you see how she drowned, and it's almost like you were drowning! And when you return from the Mind Movie, you are right on the old dock. All victims who went through this ran away screaming like a wolf in pain. The Moonlight dancer is out from 12:00 AM-1:00 AM. At exactly 1:00 AM, she returns to her Moon Beam, let's out a sorrow filled weep, and vanishes into mist. She will not return until next Hallows Eve.
Lol! So, that story was kinda a description of her story, and how this relates to the contest. Hope you enjoy! Also, please don't forget to Diamond her for the contest@