I could of made this on weebly or the forums but oh well.I actually tried to post it on forums, but it wouldn't submit... so if you see a forum post saying "Crafty's 100 Sub Contest!", then don't mind that 😰
The theme is Nature, go crazy!Get creative!
Just me 😶
Don't ask to be judge
1st - 1 Request, 7 day shoutout, 7 diamonds
2nd - 1 Request, 5 day shoutout, 5 diamonds
3rd - 3 day shoutout, 3 diamonds
All PMC rules apply
One entry per person
PM me your entry as soon as you finish ❤
There will be 3 rounds, each as a 1st 2nd and 3rd
Deadline is November 6th 2015
You can enter any round
Good luck and thank you for 100 subs!
PM the link to your entry!
This is like Ene's 1k sub contest because it's easier than doing a grand winner at the end