She's not that creepy. I hope the story makes up for it. The theme was horror, so I made a creepy doll. so original ik
Walking down the dim hallway, I heard a loud crash. Why did I agree to do this!? I was dared by my best friend Cori to explore the old house down the street. Then I heard screams. Loud screams. Not screams of fear, but screams of... pain. I walked down the stairs, nervous to see what the cause of this pain was. When I reached the basement, I screamed too. But mine was a different sort of scream. A scream of fear. I ran as fast as I could through that basement. I didn't want to think of what would become of me if I was caught. The doll kept chasing me. I kept running. It felt like I had been running for days before I could stop to catch my breath. I heard her footsteps behind me. I was petrified. My brain told me to move, but the rest of my body seemed to be frozen in place. No. No. No. NO!
This is my home. It's the old mansion. Isn't it so very pretty? You might think it's lonely, but there are some very nice maids and other friends that dolly has brought to play. I like to go out to the big backyard and play with dolly. Dolly is my best friend! Won't you come and play with us?