Hatsune Miku was in the backstage getting ready for her next song, Dark Woods Circus. She put on her dazzling pink dress, black heels, and put her hair into a ponytail on the one side. When she walked through the dressing halls, she noticed the doors were all open, and nobody was in their dressing rooms. "They must've started without me." She said, somewhat in dismay. Difficult to run in heels, she sped-walked through the halls and to the stairs. She then saw a shadow with two heads walk through the hallway. She peeked around the corner, and in horror, had found the twins Rin and Len, but their costume was no costume. Their necks were stitched together, as well as their bodies. "Oh hello Miku-Chan, we were just feeding Kaito." They said in unision. "Feeding Kaito?" Miku sighed. "Can't he make anything on his own...?" She had said, heading towards his room. "Miku-Chan~ He has a straight jacket on for a reason, y'know. We wouldn't suggest getting within.. biting range." They said, giggling and heading to the stage. "Straight Jacket? But wasn't he supposed to be the ringmaster?" She muttered to herself, and slammed the door open. "Kaito! Stick to your--" She saw a hand by her feet, and Kaito by the corner, laying on his side, making growling noises."Kaito... cut that out, that's creepy." She said picking up the hand. But the hand felt soft... but it was cold, and dripping blood... it was no prop. "K-Kaito-kun!" Miku shrieked, dropping the hand. She ran out of his room, and bumped into Meiko, who looked younger. "Hello, Miku-san." Meiko said shyly. "Have you seen the Dark Woods Circus?" she asked, showing Miku the flyer. "W-Why yes, that's our next performance! But... well.." Miku trailed off, and looked behind her, watching the conjoined twins dragging Kaito with a leash. "You see... something went terribly wrong... everyone is well.. scary!" Miku cried out to Meiko. Meiko looked at her in confusion. "Well, that is what the performance is about. It's to see the deformed and outcasts perform, right?" She asked, reading the flyer. Then, thinking it just a performance, Miku laughed. "Haha~ I guess you're right, Meiko-chan!" She giggled. She kneeled down, but her thighs felt heavier than usual. "Hey Meiko, what is my role?" She smiled, patting her head. Meiko pointed to her legs. "The Deformed Diva!" and at that moment, she realized her legs were that of a goat, minus the fur. Miku shrieked. What had she become?