Description from original post
(created 2015-09-26 12:44):
He was never accepted,
No one liked him,
He was not human.
Everyone who looked at him ran,
No one spoke to him,
No one tried,
No one loved him.
He was not allowed near others,
In fear that he would hurt them.
He has never hurt anyone.
But still,
He was different,
Not created the same as the others,
not human.
He was born from the dark,
to bring light,
But he can't bring light,
No matter how hard he tries, and tries,
He can't do it,
And gave up.
And slowly over time,
His soul became corrupted,
Like most would if they were never loved.
His eyes turned red,
and wings grew from his back.
Now he lives in this world,
Spreading the darkness,
Killing love,
And stomping out hope.
The humans wish that they had done something,
That would have turned his soul to light and not dark,
but they can't go back,
They never can.
All they can do is hide,
From the demon,
The demon that they created,
not the dark.
Woah, I did words!
And, I really like this shading,
Opinions welcomed,
But I probably won't listen,
Your opinions don't matter to me! XD
(Unless there possitive, I like that.)