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(created 2015-12-27 22:17):
Hello! So I decided to enter the Nuclear Winter Contest and this is my entry, enjoy!
The streets were covered in ash. The joyful city that it used to be, now is a nuclear wasteland. Evangeline, a once happy girl, attempts to survive through tough times. Who knew someone's life could change so much in a split second?
The first explosions began. That made an impact on everyone's life. Eva took cover with some of her family members; mother, father, brother. Her sister was missing. After the second explosion, her mother decided to look for her sister, she didn't know the explosions were over yet. The final explosion ended, they were on their way to look for Eva's sister and mother. Her mother's body laid there, unconcsious. Eva stood there shocked, slowly starting to sob. She didn't know how to survive that situation. She decided to escape, leave her loved ones behind. As she stepped out of her front door, bombs started dropping. She quickly took cover on her destroyed living room. She found the door leading to her basement, and entered. She could hear screams. The bombs ended, she heard her father's voice pleading for mercy, a gunshot was heard. Eva slowly started to tear up. The basement door opened, it was her brother.
"What are you doing here?!" Eva said.
"Hiding, some people entered into our home, dad, mom, and Anne are dead. I found a pistol and a shotgun. Take the shotgun." Aiden said as he handed the shotgun to Eva.
(Anne is Eva's sister, Aiden is also her brother)
"Why don't you just let me die? I can't take this!"
"Eva, you are the only one I have now. You mean the world to me! I don't know what will I do without you." Aiden said as he hugged Eva.
Eva opened the door to the basement, got out and aimed at a man with a gun in hand. She fired.
I ended a man's life. I am a monster. Eva thought to herself. She froze.
Another man aimed at Eva's head from behind. Aiden shot the man aiming at Eva's head and they ran out of the house as fast as they could. Missiles started to drop, making gigantic explosions. They ran, leaving explosions behind them.
Aiden tripped, the same men at their house were following. Only three were left. Aiden shot two of them as he was on the floor, trying to stand up. The only man left shot Aiden's leg. Eva felt boiling rage inside her, she fired at the man. A bomb dropped which made an explosion, Eva could escape, but Aiden didn't. Eva cried and ran to the nearest shelter. Her brother was the family she had left, she had lost him. She still had the shotgun Aiden had given her, and she would use it.
Months passed and Eva had survived, the nuclear war hadn't ended yet. The worst is yet to come.
That's it for now! Long story tho. Hope you liked it ;v;