This is my first skin I had posted for the Boss Battle skin contest. I really took my time on this model and hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for checking it out and I'll see you guys later.
One day, when Steve was out and adventuring, he met a person who was named Seth. Seth and Steve became good friends and they did everything together. Steve taught Seth how to gather resources and fight mobs. Seth taught Steve some of the basics in the world of redstone. Together they slayed mobs, made mob farms, made redstone contraptions, made farms together, and even went mining together. One day, when they where mining Steve found diamonds. He decided not to tell Seth seeing as he wanted to make himself a diamond sword. When they started to leave the mine Seth asked,"Did you find anything good in the mine?" Steve lied and said,"Nope. Nothing but iron and coal." But when Steve went to put away the cobblestone and other valueless things, he accidentally moved the diamonds and Seth noticed. Seth yelled at him,"What the crap man?I thought we agreed that we'd share any diamonds we found." So Seth went and hit Steve with a wooden sword and the fighting commenced. Slash after slash, cut after cut, strike after strike, and with each blow landed their hate toward each other grew. Finally, Seth saw a lava pit and thought that if he could get close enough he could throw Steve in. So Seth, with all his strength, he made a fatal blow toward Steve that he was sure would throw him in. Steve moved just at the right time to dodge Seth and Seth fell in. Seth screamed in pain and yelled at Steve,"Why did you do that? I thought we were friends!" Steve watched as Seth fell deeper into the lava. When he couldn't stand to see his best friend in suffering any more, Steve left and said,"I'm so sorry." Steve took the rest of the supplies and sorrowfully went to the surface. But Seth, through all the pain, dragged himself out of the flame and, with a great knowlege of redstone and robotics, rebuilt himself into a robotic powerhouse. Seth said to himself,"I'm going to make Steve pay for what he did for me, what he made me." And from that point on Seth made Steve his arch-enemy who he has a burning hate for and wants to destroy.