Ever since she was little, Ren Valkyrie felt sadness. Grief. Dread. And because of this, she didn't make many friends.
But however, she had one. Her brother, Blake. Blake and Ren were walking throughout the Shiganshina District's marketplace. They were sent off to buy bread for the family. They squeezed and pushed through the swarm of people. Unaware of what was about to happen.. Blake had the money in his ragged, jacket pocket while Ren was picking out bread. They marched up to the counter and payed for their bread. While walking home, there was a loud flash.. Blake stopped. The siblings turned around to face the southern part of Shiganshina wall. There, in the flesh, was a titan. It's head just peering over the wall. People gasped. Screams rang out throughout the horrified crowd. Some people ran away. It was complete chaos when the titan kicked the gigantic wall with his skinless foot. Blake and Ren darted through the swarm to their house. Catching their breath, they saw a titan, not as big as the one that broke the wall, but still pretty big. It had a twisted smile on it's face. In it's grasp was a woman with black hair and what seemed to be brown eyes. Blake gaped at her as she died. He covered Ren's face. ''Ok. Lets go find Mom and Dad,'' Blake declared. Ren nodded. They ran down the path and took a left and finally arrived at their house. First, they spotted their mother. She had been stepped on. And then, they shakily looked up. Another titan had him in it's mighty clutches. The titan looked down upon the two petrified children. It hesitated, and swiped at them. Ren screamed and closed her eyes. Blake had probably let go of her hand. She opened her eyes. Blake had let go. He had been captured along with his father. Ren stared in horror as the titan both ate them. A few years later, Ren joined the Garrison. She had made a promise to keep every titan out of the walls. One day, she had been gathering her uniform together when a boy no older than her walked by. She glanced up, he had brown hair and brown eyes. His bangs covered one of his eyes and under the bangs was an eyepatch. She looked back down and picked up her boots. Clang. He had tripped over a broom. She looked over her shoulder to see him on top of the broom, looking down and rubbing his head. ''Ow...'' he grumbled. ''Are you alright?'' Ren asked, offering a hand. He sat up. ''Yeah..'' He stood up. ''I'm Lucas. Lucas Rossi'' he said with a smile. ''Ren Valkyrie''. After a few weeks, Ren and Lucas began to get closer. Ren had finally made a friend. And for once, she smiled. Ren Valkyrie had felt happiness. True happiness.