Hey everyone! It's been awhile since you've heard from me and I apologise for that, but I would like to give you an explanation as to why I've been so inactive lately.
First here is a skin of Iceland my fave charater in Hetalia c:
The reason for my inactivity, is that I have recently moved to university, and wow student life is amazing I can tell you that now! But I'm also finding it a lot of work... and it's only the first week of studies aha!
I'm really trying my best to make new friends here at uni too, so I have a lot of new relationships in my life right now that I need to dedicate some time to, as you guys know I always priorotise my actual life over my virtual one! Minecraft multiplayer doesn't work here as of yet (so you won't bump into me on Hive anymore for awhile)
Once I get used to living on my own I will get back into the wing of things and continue making skins, but for now please be patient c: (I know that you guys will as you are always really supportive! ^_^)
So far I have made 7 new friends! So I'm kind of having the time of my life right now! I will continue making skins though once I get some more inspiration!
Thanks for understanding!
Also... I'm a little bored so Ask away! x'D