Long ago, a man named Jim, lived a happy life with his family in Tillydrone, a beautiful little town, that was famous for it's shipping and trading with other towns and cities. He was a fisherman, every day he cought around ten fish, that were the size of a pig. He had a shop, and a very successful one. Everyone in town knew him. His fish shop was the best around. Even though he liked being a fisherman, he always dreamed of going out, into the ocean, and have many adventures. And one foggy night, out of nowhere, a pirate ship dropped it's anchor at the harbor of the town. Everyone was asleep and those who saw them - were killed, silently. Jim was fishing on the other side of the town. Just as he was about to pack his stuff and go back, he turned around and saw a bright light coming from the town. Jim was frightened and puzzled at the same time, since he had no idea what was going on. He started running towards his home. He saw, that the whole town was covered in flames. He managed to get to his house, with only a few little burns on the arms. He saw strange people, walking around his house and grabbing all of his stuff. His family was not home. He yelled, tried to stop the pirates from taking everything. But they didn't listen. They chased Jim out with their cutlasses, trying to kill him. Luckily for him, he managed to escape, by going throuth the underground storage room. When Jim ran out to the harbor, he saw a huge ship, with a black flag. He instantly knew, that this is a pirate ship. Since he had nowhere to run, the whole town was covered in flames, the people were either dead or trying to run away, he climbed up their ship. Strangely enough, the ship was empty. All the pirates were running around the town, collecting valueble items. He found and dressed up as a pirate himself, so he could be less recognised. While Jim was wandering around the ship, he saw his family, tied up and unconcious. He ran to them. And suddenly... Blacked out... When he woke up, it was already morning. All he could hear was the waves of the ocean and some people taking. When he opened his eyes, he was tied to the ground with a rope. There was a pirate sitting next to him. He called the captain, saying that he's awake. Jim was scared and angry. The door creaked and the captain walked in slowly. He was old, but strong, holding a big pumpkin in his hand. Jim asked him where they were going and what were they gonna do with him. The pirates laughed. Captain came near Jim and asked him silently: "Do you know what day it is?". Jim was confused. The captain introduced himself. His name was Blackleg, captain of The Pumpkin pirates. He put down the pumpkin near Jim and said: "Today is the day of dead men!". He yelled. "Take him! Bring him out to the shore!". They blindfolded him and took him out to the shore. When they took of the blindfold, he saw his family sitting, tied up, next to him. Jim felt relieved. But then, Blackleg came in, carying a pumpkin. He said: "How are ye feeling? It's almost time!". Jim asked him: "What time?". He replied: "You really don't know? It's the day that you call Halloween, my boy! It's the day of the dead men! The day, when souls come and go! What time is it?!". A pirate replied: "It's time captain!". Blackleg smiled, took out his sword and said: "Finally! I can become young and strong again!". He cut the heads of Jims family, right in front of his eyes. Blackleg took the pumpkin and carved out a face, so that the souls could return and forever be locked inside. Jim yelled, the tears were overflowing, but the pirates laughed. He wanted to die. He wanted to go to his family. He told Blackleg to kill him. But. Blackleg was not done with the ritual yet. To become young again he had to die once. So he stabbed his own bodie, and died. A minute later, his soul came back to the pumpkin, fused with Jims family and flew straight back into his bodie. You could obviously see how his bodie changed, it got bigger and younger. After that, Blackleg got up, looking at his own bodie. He laughed out loud with an evil smile and looked at Jim. Jim was crying, he wanted to kill Blackleg and die himself. Blackleg said: "Thanks! And as for what you wanted.", he took out his sword and killed Jim. The pirates left, leaving the bodies and the pumpkin behind. But then, at midnight of "that day" the soul of Jim, came back to the pumpkin, that was right next to his bodie. The face of the pumpkin lit itself on and started moving. Jims bodie started moving. It was dead, he couldn't feel it, but he could still move it, while Jim's consciousness was inside the pumpkin. He replaced his own head with the pumpkin, carved out a big, creepy smile and looked out into the distance of the ocean with pure rage and anger. He felt nothing, other than the need for revenge.