Description from original post
(created 2015-11-14 10:47):
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind" ~John F Kennedy
Last night, there was an earthquake in japan, and mexico. There were terrorist attacks in paris. In Baghdad, a funeral was bombed. In Beirut, there was a suicide bombing. People, get yourselves together.
Anyways, onto another another announcement i have.
Im back, but only for a little bit. The skindex editor is broken, and so i will stay here for a bit.
This is one of my new OCs, Aurora Borealis, inspired by the light in the sky, Aurora borealis, and Kireblue~
I decided to do the light colors and stuff, but since i love the galaxy, i went ahead and added a galaxy twist to her♥
Last very important announcement!
Starting on december 1st, since its almost christmas, I will open up requests! here are just a ffew rules:
1 DO NOT send me your request right nnow! send it to me when its december 1st! (i will post a skin on it when the time comes
COMMENTS WILL BE IGNORED! Please PM me for them!
3 - nothing Offensive, sexual, or anything that involves cussing is aloud!
4 - please PLEASE send me a reference to your request!
5 - Please don't overload me of requests, i still hve a life :c
6 - again, DO NOT SEND ME THEM RIGHT NOW! send me them when i post a skin saying they ARE OPEN!
anyways, i hope you enjoy the skin! <3